Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Wow, I am all up in the almost-daily blogging here lately, aren't I? I may be subconsciously trying to discipline myself because soon I will have to begin blogging as part of my day job, and no one likes to be thrown into a new responsibility with creaky knees and rusty writing chops. Or it may be that my voracious appetite for reading blogs is taking over my life--and, consequently, I find myself inspired to post on an almost daily basis. Probably a combination of the two. Soon I think I shall start posting my favorite Etsy finds, to satisfy my desire to support all the wonderful artists whose work I cannot afford to buy at present. Yay!

Anyhoo, I'm mainly posting this as a note-to-self: the CRAFT blog today alerted me to a swell tool called Fontifier (which was brought to their attention by Jessica of How About Orange). Not to be vain, but I kinda dig my handwriting sometimes, so I think I'll try this. For 9 bucks it just might be worth it. End note to self.

Happy hump day! Here's a picture of something I made:

1 comment:

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