Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Goal-setting whilst my camera is away.

A few weeks ago my hubby, who ever-so-generously lends me use of his fancy 10D camera for all my jewelry-photographing needs, quite generously loaned said camera to one of his photography school buddies (not sure why his photog friend doesn't have his own digital camera, but that's another story). Super, huh. Not so much for me. I've got oodles of freshly-crafted goodies languishing on my work table, just waiting to be photographed and offered up on Etsy--to fulfill their purpose, really. *Sigh* So it goes. But I just wanted to let ya'll know that I have not quit creating, I've simply been without a camera.

But I'm getting the camera back this weekend, so mark your calendars! Fabulous new Avenue H jewelry, cards, and perhaps even scarves will be available for your viewing and purchasing pleasure this Sunday, Feb. 24! Yay!! I imagine I'll have at least a few of the new items listed by, oh, let's say 1 p.m. keep an eye on my Etsy shop Sunday afternoon or thereabouts and be one of the first to see my latest creations. Yippee!

Oh, and I've been fiendishly eBay-ing it up the past week or so, so in a few more weeks I should have another series of new vintage silverware pieces to show off. I get really excited when I get new materials, so you may even have to endure some gushing about my silverware acquisitions...soon as I get my--ahem, my husband's--camera back, that is.

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